In January of this year it almost seemed that Spotify, Europe’s most popular music streaming service, might be quitting its plan to launch in the US.
A few months (and deals) later, things have changed – and in a good way. Spotify has just released a holding page for its US service, announcing that “The award-winning music service that’s taken Europe by storm will soon be landing on US shores”.
As Spotify has had this expansion in mind for a long time, although it’s not clear yet what the music platform means by “soon“. Either way, their latest announcement looks serious and promising. This suggests that Spotify might have landed some final deals with the local music labels that were needed to make this expansion happen.
Spotify was launched for public access on October of 2008 and is now operating out of its offices in Stockholm, London and Luxembourg. Last month the young company announced a restriction of its free playback service,which will cut the amount of free listening hours that are available to long-term users in half.
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[…] a few weeks after its U.S. launch, Spotify has already reached 1.4 million registered U.S. users for its free trial (according to AllThingsD). […]
[…] on October 2008 and has its roots in Sweden. Earlier this year, the famous music streaming service expanded into the US. Denmark is the 9th country Spotify has entered. This entry was posted in Sweden […]