Business Description
The company was founded in November. 2013., as a design and equipment company in the field of air and water purification technology. The owner is Mrs.Inga Kovacic Sindik .
In recent years, the company has been intensely focused on the creation and application of new technologies for the control, supervision and purification of indoor and outdoor air explores tests and applies new materials for the purpose of air purification using artificial information and communication technology for programmed management, detection, measurement and download complete control of internal and external pollutants.

Long Business Description

In its work so far, the company has innovated a whole range of products, registering a number of patents and copyrights, of which we emphasize: iTherapy technology which is installed in few devices for air cleaning and purification and for controlling and supervision of indoor air.
Company innovate few types of air filter composites for indoor air purification, smart module for measuring and control indoor and outdoor air quality, colour communication module, and device for the production of microclimate conditions.
Most of the projects are completed and some have already been placed on the market. Some of them are in the phase of commercial testing and preparation for production organization as they are a novel filter for destroying bioaerosol pollutants in the air.

iTherapy technology (patent registrated) is based on 11 high technologies in combination with super ionization , ventilation, UV sterilization and composite nanocoating filter, which can decompose and eliminate viruses, organic compounds, bacteria, mold, and other particle matters from the room air.

Based in
air cleaning, air purification, air bioaerosol filtration and virus deactivation, nano- coating filter materials
Total Funding
No funding announced yet
https://itherapy.shop/; www.crystal-idea.com

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