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Do you like EU-Startups? ‘Like’ us on Facebook!

Just like any budding business, at EU-Startups we’re making sure that we’re present in all the important places online. For a media and technology company, this of course means putting ourselves on the global social media stage that is Facebook.

With this in mind, today set up a Facebook page for EU-Startups, which you can find at www.facebook.com/EUStartups, and we also integrated a ‘Like’ box in our sidebar today. If you like EU-Startups, you are now able to show us some love by liking and following our page there.

In order to get a vanity URL on Facebook, though, we are going to need the love of at least 25 people. We hope that we can get there by the end of this month! Stay tuned!

By the way: If you’d like to stay up-to-date regarding startup news and interesting opportunities, make sure to subscribe to our free weekly EU-Startups Newsletter.

Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr is the "Editor in Chief" of EU-Startups.com and started the blog in October 2010. He is excited about Europe's future, passionate about new business ideas and lives in Barcelona (Spain).

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