Meritocracy was born 4 years ago with the clear vision to make job seeking an insightful and rewarding experience. We offer to our users an engaging journey to explore proprietary photo-video content about companies and we use data on recruiters choices to give them information about their likelihood to succeed.
Were currently working with almost 350 companies among which Tetra Pak, Flixbus, Kreditech, Samsung, Mondadori, Decathlon, Casper and Foodora. As our customer base grows (and we are currently over 100,000 users), we are always in need to engage bigger audience: however, to keep our brand positioning, we carefully screen every source of traffic to make sure to match our customers needs in a coherent and professional way. These numbers are growing everyday, and we already have a base in Berlin, a very innovative city for startups and digital companies.
We give our users precious, original and different insights into game-changing companies, thanks to our dynamic and exploratory videos, photos and colorful descriptions. We also started to do Facebook Live to show the inside of the companies, and we are the first to do that. Our content is very keen on giving value to our mission, and we started collaborating on our blog with professionals about every topic that may concern and interest the job world.
We believe we can make a difference in the job-hunting process, by giving users the chance of stepping into Europe's most innovative companies.
Articles about Meritocracy:
- January 15, 2024 London-based Thema launches venture fund platform to invest up to €5.8 million in emerging managers
- April 3, 2020 Discover the top female CEOs of the FTSE 100 Index (Sponsored)
- March 6, 2020 #EqualPay: The gender gap in the tech industry (Women’s Day special)
- July 2, 2019 A short introduction to the increasingly popular OKR goal management method (Part 2 of 2)
- March 18, 2019 Tech groups battle Brexit until the very end
- August 30, 2018 How to create a corporate culture that attracts and keeps great talent