HomeInterviews5 most popular EU-Startups Podcast episodes of 2020

5 most popular EU-Startups Podcast episodes of 2020

Overall, 2020 was a monumental year for EU-Startups for more than a few reasons. Beyond the pandemic, we launched our membership, reformatted our yearly Summit, and lauched the EU-Startups Podcast. 10 years after EU-Startups began seemed like as good a time as any for this move, so we jumped into the pool. Since then, we’ve committed to bringing you the stories and advice of top founders and serial investors across Europe, so you can implement their insights in your own ventures.

The EU-Startups Podcast opened in July with a unique format – a first BIG PITCH episode, shining a light on 30 of Europe’s most promising early-stage startups. From then on, we’ve stuck to an interview format, and brought you some insightful and deep conversations with those startup figures that you would just love to have a coffee/beer with.

We’ve already got some familiar faces lined up for the next episodes in 2021; in the meantime, here are some of the most-listened-to sound bites from this year.

Episode 1 of the EU-Startups Podcast: The BIG PITCH!

EU-Startups Podcast / Episode 5: Startup PR advice by Clara Armand-Delille (ThirdEyeMedia) and Charlotte Tucker (EU-Startups)

EU-Startups Podcast / Episode 2: Interview with King.com founder Riccardo Zacconi

EU-Startups Podcast / Episode 4: Interview with BlaBlaCar founder Frédéric Mazzella

EU-Startups Podcast / Episode 3: Interview with Runtastic founder Florian Gschwandtner

Charlotte Tucker
Charlotte Tucker
Charlotte is the previous Editor at EU-Startups.com. She spends her time scouting the next big story, managing our contributor team, and getting excited about social impact ventures. She has previously worked as a Communications Consultant for number of European Commission funded startup projects.

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