Dymotics, a Spanish startup that aims to revolutionize the home automation market, has opened a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise funds to start manufacturing and expand the team (Update – April 2023: The startup seems to be no longer in business under this website, and we therefore deactivated the original link).
With the support of Mola.com, Dymotics is creating an intuitive and easy to use mobile application to control for almost all electronic devices inside a regular home, regardless of the brand. The app effectively turns your smartphone into a home automation remote control. Dymotics can be used to turn on the washing machine from work, or to switch on the heating while you’re on your way home, for example. The Madrid-based Dymotics team claims to be “the first startup that unifies all different brands in one application”.
Learn more about Dymotics and watch the video below. And if you like their concept, make sure to support them via Indiegogo!
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