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Business Description
Babyndex, the first revolutionary saliva ovulation test app can multiply pregnancy chances 3-5 times compared to conventional ovulation tests.
Long Business Description

Two days before ovulation, the chances of pregnancy are 3-5 times higher than on the day of ovulation itself (Wilcox, 1998, [source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9557845/); Stanford & Dunson, 2007, [source](https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/165/9/1088/90537?login=false)).

Only cervical mucus, and saliva home-use tests can pinpoint these days in real-time. The most common conventional LH urine tests pinpoint the day of ovulation. However, it takes hours for LH to appear in urine and additional hours to be detected, leading many couples to time intercourse to the day of ovulation and miss their most fertile days.

Cervical mucus is an analogue test, while saliva ovulation test is also analogue but FDA approved and widely used for detecting the most fertile days from saliva ferning (i.e. fern-shaped saliva crystals) ([FDA](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/home-use-tests/ovulation-saliva-test)).

Babyndex is first AI-assisted mobile app that can detect saliva crystals. It is designed to aid women in identifying their peak fertile days prior to ovulation in real-time and it can help couples optimize their chances of getting pregnant ([Babyndex](https://www.babyndex.eu/en/)). The application received a US patent in 2023 ([USPTO](https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/16313530)).

Based in
mobile app, saliva ovulation test, actual fertile days
Total Funding
Between €100K-€500K
Company Status

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