HomeGermany-StartupsWorth reading: Spotify, Daily Deals, Codingpeople, Billsafe

Worth reading: Spotify, Daily Deals, Codingpeople, Billsafe

There are so many interesting stories out there and unfortunately we don’t have the time to cover all of them. With our new section “Worth reading”, we provide you once in a while with some links to interesting articles of other publications:

Spotify-logoFamous actor and tech investor Ashton Kutcher appears to be on a rapid European city tour before the Christmas period, flying in to Stockholm from Berlin yesterday to pay the staff at Spotify’s Swedish R&D offices a swift visit. Kutcher was purely interested in paying a visit to the music startup so that he could check out what they do and talk tech with the company. Read more about his visit on TheNextWeb.

cherrry-media-slevomatHere’s some big news out of the Baltics: Slevomat Group from the Czech Republic and Cherry Media have partnered to form the region’s largest Daily Deals group. Their 2011 turnover put together exceeds €60 million, putting them up there as one of the largest startups in the region. Find out more about it on ArcticStartup (Update – February 2023: The ArcticStartup seems to be no longer in business and we therefore deactivated the link).

CodingpeopleThe Berlin-based webcoding platform Codingpeople has just secured a seven-digits investment from Leonardo Ventures (Update – February 2023: The startup seems to be no longer in business and we therefore deactivated the link), meaning that the new investor now owns 25.1% of the coding startup. Codingpeople was founded in 2009 and offers its service mainly to agencies in German, English and Spanish. To learn more about the investment (in German), visit Gruenderszene.de

billsafe-logoA little over a year after its subsidiary PayPal bought a minority stake in German software company BilLSAFE, eBay this morning announced that it has acquired the young company in full (Update – February 2023: The startup seems to be directing instead to Paypal’s site, and we therefore deactivated the original link). The terms of the deal were not disclosed. BillSAFE works with German merchants, giving them a way to let shoppers purchase items after receiving them, by means of an invoice. Read more on TechCrunch.

By the way: If you’re a corporate or investor looking for exciting startups in a specific market for a potential investment or acquisition, check out our Startup Sourcing Service!

Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr is the "Editor in Chief" of EU-Startups.com and started the blog in October 2010. He is excited about Europe's future, passionate about new business ideas and lives in Barcelona (Spain).

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