Home OnsiteFun



Business Description
OnsiteFun is a simple and flexible platform to find and book any activity your remote team feels like doing. It combines micro and longer team building activities to connect you regardless of your timezone.
Long Business Description

OnsiteFun is born from the need to maintain and improve professional and human relationships within companies, in environments where teams are not in the office. Today, companies are realizing that talent is not just concentrated in urban areas and is global.
The platform offers a new way to connect teams online, reducing costs compared to in-situ experiences, pre-selecting excellent activities and taking care of the entire organization so that no one else has to worry about it.
At OnsiteFun we want to combat the lack of interaction that is generated remotely and help teams and people to be more productive and happy with their co-workers.

Based in
Employee Engagement, Team Culture, Virtual Experiences, Platform, Team Building
Total Funding
No funding announced yet
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