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Business Description
ObjectBox (Techstars ’17) is a company that helps app / IoT developers develop faster apps faster by ensuring data is where it is needed when it is needed. At the core of this solution lies our mobile database, which is 10x faster than the industry leader SQLite and which only takes 1/10th of the code (LOC) to implement.
Long Business Description

ObjectBox is an on-device, NoSQL database for mobile and IoT devices. Our database and synchronization solution help app / IoT developers develop faster apps faster by ensuring data is where it is needed when it is needed. At the core of this solution lies our mobile database, which is 10x faster than the industry leader SQLite and which only takes 1/10th of the code (LOC) to implement. With data volumes growing rapidly, there is a need for fast and efficient connectivity solutions on mobile apps and IoT devices, especially in data heavy spaces like Artificial Intelligence, Games, Smart Devices and Virtual/Augmented Reality. We create cost-effective IoT and mobile apps solutions that provide a super smooth user experience and feel like always-on, even when there is no internet connection.

Based in
Munich, Germany
database, developers, app, IoT

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