In December of 2012, Serge Duriavig created
the Lyon-based start-up Cosmopolit'Home. The
website saw its' official launch in October 2013
and is translated in 7 different languages. Today
it contains more than 250 000 members across
160 countries, adding up to more than 50 000
housings. The company is currently composed
of 20 employees.
NightSwapping is the first collaborative travelling
plateform between individuals. It is, as the name
suggests, the first night swapping community.
This type of housing functions around a virtual
currency called "Nights". It allows members to
travel for cheaper and to earn money as
travellers or hosts
By hosting a member at home, the host earns
Nights which they can then use to travel to another
members home, without any booking fees. If the
member can't or doesn't want to host a member in
their home, they can buy Nights on the website.
Everytime they travel, they will be rewarded 5%
of the housings price in Nights. After 2 stays, they
can use their NightWallet to pay less on a future
trip or convert it into real money.
"In order to reassure its users, the company has set up
numerous solutions. Firstly, every person who
signs up to the platform goes through a back-up
check (e-mail, phone number, ID...). In order to
insure the legitimicy of the listing, the company
verifies carefully each offer. It examines the given
information such as the quality of the pictures, the
completeness of profiles and of the calendars.
To guarantee trust between members, the company
consistenlty asks the hosts and members a review of
their experience.
Finally in order to protect members from potential
damages, the company has signed a partnership with
the insurance company Allianz.
The host is covered by an insurance of up to 450.000
for everything related to material, immiterial or
physical damage.