Next Rekruttering

Business Description We are a Scandianvian recruitment company working with outplacement, executive search and head hunting. We a a network of management and recruitment consultants working with a new powerfull recruitment contept usefull in a number of industries. We recruit to all levels in the organisation - strategic, tactical and operational.
Long Business Description Our concept Next Level Talent-Match-Succes has its foundation on adding value to the recruitment process. Many recruitmentagencies only focus on closing the deal - getting a contract signed - moving on to the next job. At Next Rekruttering we also strive for a succesfull recruitment but our focus is really on retention in the long run. up to 20% of newly employed leave their job within 12 months. The hiring manager, HR department or recruitment agency simply didn't have enough forcus on matching the expectations, motivation and personality of the cadidate with the vision, values, culture and leadership style of the company.
Tags Recruitment, recruitmentagency, executive, head hunting
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