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Business Description
MiumMium is an on-demand home chef service that is revolutionizing the in-home dining experience. MiumMium’s goal is to connect foodies to personal chefs for affordable and exciting culinary experiences at home. The process is simple: pick a date, choose a menu and invite your friends. There is no shopping, no preparation, no clean up and no stress—the MiumMium chef takes care of it all. With a choice of over 5,000 chefs, 4,000 menus and the option to create your own, the choices are endless. MiumMium was founded in late 2015, and it has quickly become the largest online community marketplace to hire a chef in the world, connecting customers to personal chefs for a unique, tailored and affordable way to dine. MiumMium also provides an avenue for chefs to increase their income while creating world-class meals they are passionate about – a win-win! Get a chef at home with MiumMium.
Based in
FoodTech, Home Chef, Chef Booking Platform

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