MediPrepare offers unique intelligent patient chart services compared to all currently available electronic record attempts. We enabe patients to generate a professional overview of their own health, at home or on the go.
MediPrepare enables also simple and easy workflows with an easy to use application which smartly analyzes patient information with our own IP. It is filled out by the patient whenever they want. The patient has 100% control and can share the data anywhere if needed. A half A4 Letter to Doctor is generated which avoids lengthy data lists. Every step in the care process benefits and gains. It can be filled out in one language and presented in >120 other languages for unmatched global usage. And only relevant data is presented in Doctor’s language, which is readable in 15 seconds.
Gain for all stakeholder!
It is very different from paper based questionnaires that are put online in its intelligent way to choose the next question as a result of former questions. It gives the doctor what he wants to know when the patient walks in since it has been developed by doctors based on their best professional insights.
It is attractive start for each doctor's consultation, saves time and increases the quality of care. Hospitals will save immediately since implementation time is close to a few weeks preparation. Can be implemented without IT investments at the care institution. The patient does the work at home. The workflow can absorb the context without any learning curve.