As organisations strive to understand and adapt to a fast-changing world, we empower them to put the environment at the heart of their decision-making. We do this by providing unparalleled intelligence on sustainability, resilience and ESG data – stitching together these disparate issues into an interconnected global view, built upon objective insight and data.
Satellites provide a huge array of near-continuous remote recording of the planet’s sensory experience, from the gases in the air to the health of individual trees in a forest. They also provide archives of this data. And, perhaps more importantly, the ability to enable continuous ground-based measurements through internet of things (IoT) devices previously not possible due to the constraints of terrestrial communications.
Lakehouseworld brings together the power of fusion data, derived from o.a. satellites & IoT powered by a high tech datavault platform, using AI and blockchain technology. We are a team with deep data intelligence expertise, consolidating a business vision and technical skillfulness to accelerate your growth on these topics and bring your business to a competitive advantage.
Our mission is to provide unbiased information to the world. We empower organisations to evaluate their sustainability strategies that align with their client’s values. By holding companies to their own
standards, and enabling clients to choose accordingly.