Hotel Hoppers uses an auction system similar to ebay that helps hotels fill up their empty rooms and offers travelers the best price available through an innovative last minute auction booking. Our idea is to reverse the booking system so that hotels will "book" travelers in real time by offering the price requested by them. Hotel Hoppers is geared towards travelers who need a room on short notice or have flexible schedules, since rooms can only be booked at maximum 24 hours in advance.
On average in Europe, even in peak seasons hotel occupancy rate is below 80% and this is only expected to increase, with alternatives such as Airbnb gaining increasing market share. Hotel Hoppers brings a business idea to help hotels counteract the growth of companies like Airbnb. Since hotels operate in a very volatile market with unpredictable levels of demand coupled with high fixed costs, auctioning deals on tonights empty rooms make much more sense than letting a hotel room go empty.