Coinness Internet Technology
Instant news feed : 24/7 news feed of everything happening in blockchain and cryptocurrency world. Timely content created by professional, multilingual reporters. Get all cryptocurrency- and blockchain-related news in one place.
Real-time market index: covering all around market data of over 450 cryptos and price index of 2000 trading pairs, tracking real-time price movement on 12 major cryptocurrencies exchanges world-wide.
Intelligent Market monitor? real-time prices monitoring and quantization-powered trading indicators with a customizable watch list and price alerts around the clock.
Real-time capital flow detection? Intelligent and customized detection on capital flows to help you predict the market trend and seize every investment opportunity.
In-depth Report: In-depth analysis by professionals to digest market dynamics and trends, collect contextual and comprehensive information of the entire market chain.
Interview: interactively engaged with key opinion leaders?executives and experts to gain perspectives of top minds of the industry.
Blockchain Community?we have more than 1,000 actively engaged virtual and offline communities, consisting of cryptocurrency traders and supporters in China who develop organic, long lasting relationships with each other.