Wilsons Detectives is looking for private investigators skilled in or willing to train in cyber security, agent provocateurs, asset tracing, communications monitoring, due diligence, forensic investigation, honey trap, infiltration, interviewer/ statement taking and surveillance. Salary ranges from £80,000 to £110,000 annually plus bonuses. Agents can be freelance or employed. It is essential applicants visit and study our websites as they will be given a test during interview via Skype. Applicants should not directly telephone us. Successful applicants will be contacted by us. Successful applicants will be able to work from anywhere including their home, as all the work is conducted via the internet or phone. Applicants can contact us via: anthonybryan-investigations.com only after studying about what we do and where we provide our services. Applicants can find our branch near them by using their favourite search engine and searching Wilsons Detectives. Our main branch is located in Birmingham.