Founded in 1984 by Queen's University Belfast, QUBIS Ltd is dedicated to commercializing the university's research and development activities through the creation of spin-out businesses. We play a crucial role in this process by acquiring equity in new spin-out ventures, leveraging investments in cash and/or Intellectual Property. Our primary mission is to transition innovative R&D from the laboratory to the commercial marketplace. At QUBIS Ltd, we proactively identify and evaluate commercially viable research and resources within Queen's University. We collaborate closely with skilled management teams and partners who possess the necessary market expertise to drive these ventures forward. Our approach is market-driven, focusing exclusively on ventures with strong market validation and demand. We recognize the importance of partnering with private or trade investors who can contribute not only capital but also valuable market access. This collaboration allows us to effectively navigate market challenges and leverage established distribution systems or market presence. By bridging academia and industry, we are committed to facilitating the transformation of cutting-edge research into impactful innovations that benefit society and drive economic growth.