
NHS Innovation Accelerator

NHS Innovation Accelerator

The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) is an NHS England Initiative delivered in partnership with the Country’s 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), hosted by UCLPartners. It supports delivery of the Five Year Forward View by accelerating the uptake of high impact innovations for the patient, population and NHS staff benefit, and providing real-time practical insights on spread to inform national strategy. Fellows supported by the NIA all share a set of values and passion for scaling evidence-based innovation to benefit a wider population, with a commitment to share their learnings. Some impressive results have been achieved by Fellows since the NIA launched in July 2015: 1,423 additional NHS sites now using NIA innovations; £45.2m in external funds secured; 52 awards won; 226 jobs created; and 21 innovations selling internationally. In addition, impact data is already available at adopter sites and this demonstrates earlier intervention, reductions in complications and emergency admissions, alongside cost savings.
Investor Type:
Corporate VC
HQ Location:
United Kingdom
Investment Areas:
Financial Services, Health Care, Hospitals, Access Collaborative
Typical Investment:
Funding Stage:
Pre-Seed / Seed, Series A/B
Contact Email:
[email protected]