Yorbl Technologies
Business Description Yorbl Technologies are providers of a range of an innovative range of Digitally Enabled TeleCare, Health and Community Living solutions, including the unique #YorblLifeline and #YorblVita, the world's first App based Digital Telecare solutions, #YorblTab, our "Senior Friendly" Android Tablet with integrated Digital Telecare functionality and #YorblHub our Digital Community Living hub offering Digital #WardenCall, Digital #DoorEntry, Video Calling, SMART Home Control along with full Digital Telecare functionality. In addition, Yorbl also provide a full range of fully managed services covering Network Infrastructure, Connectivity, Digital Door Entry, Digital Warden Call, Voice, Digital Video security and more that support and power our unique Community Living Digital Ecosystem.
Tags Apps, Assisted Living, Medical, Software
Website https://yorbl.com/
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