Wuunder is a Transport Management Service for companies who want to ship quickly and easily. We unburden the whole logistic and shipping process and take away any hassle:
- We connect your marketplace, webshop, CRM or ERP system;
- help you to find the best shipping solutions from established and local carriers to send your document, parcel or pallet. If needed we connect multiple carriers and organize the hand-over of shipments;
- We deliver business efficiency by tracking all your shipments pro-actively. We contact the sender, carrier, receiver when we discover any issues. Such as delays, address issues or damages;
- All invoices from carriers are checked and credits are requested where needed;
- We answer all transport related questions your customers want to ask in multiple languages.
You’re probably wuundering why we spell our name with two ‘u’s. It’s because we passionately believe that personal service is essential in the digital world. While others deliver from place to place, we think in terms of delivering from person to person. Or in our language, from U to U.
Located in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg or Germany? Then you're lucky. We ship from and to these countries.
This is all part of our quest to be, Easy, efficient, connected. We Are Wuunder