Why invest with us?
Usually analyzing and investing in stocks is a full-time job. We believe there has to be an easier way for everyday people to invest their money smarter than your average bank or ETF.
We’ve spent over 14 years building a system so you can spend your time enjoying life rather than looking at financial statements and reading business news every day.
You’re in full control
We believe in transparency and everyone should be in full control of their own investments and assets. That’s why we’ll never ask for your bank details or hold a single penny of your money. You are in full control every step of the way.
It’s stupid simple to use.
Why is investing still so hard? We want to change that. Once you sign up you are already looking at this week’s signal. If you want to buy it, you simply do so with your own bank or broker. Then go order yourself a cup of coffee while other investors spend 80+ hour weeks analyzing charts.