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Business Description
ocane enables low-cost sustainable fuels from ocean resources: excess global warming energy, ocean acidifying CO2, hydrogen
Long Business Description

Everybody is talking about green electrons: Solar, Wind, Wave and also Nuclear and the holy grail for electrons: Fusion. Currently electrons cover about 25% of the energy mix, 75% are molecules and there is no transition path in sight other than converting use systems to electrons, such as EVs. Current forecast is that by 2050 we might get closer to a 50/50 mix.

It is the 1st Elephant in the room.

Everybody is talking about NetZero as if that is our destination. It is not! It is an important milestone, but what defines NetZero? It is the point we stop increasing the GHGs in our atmosphere. We will have reached maximum concentration, maximum insulation layer, maximum global heating, something to look out for in 2050. Over the last 50 years we have added 500ZJ of excess energy to the globe, adding about 13ZJ every year, 20 times our global primary energy demand.

The 2nd Elephant in the room.

>90% of that heat is in one medium: water, our Oceans. This heat drives the temperature increase and the threat of hitting irreversible (in our and the next many generations) tipping points that will further accelerate global heating. We need to cool things down, find ways to store that energy away. We are energy rich!

Take a Step back and look at the Elephants, we have all the Energy in the world to remove Carbon from the Oceans and the Air and to produce hydrogen and fuels, once we turn aqueous heat energy into a more useful form of energy, the WaterWattS mission.

WWS is developing IP for the aqueous heat to hydrogen conversion with bicarbonate to CO2 conversion as a side effect. This is done at large scale taking advantage of the fast global warm currents (such as the Gulf Stream) as delivery mechanisms, the global use case in mind from the start, scalability at its core.
WWS is targeting early adopters in the Oil & Gas value chain for H2 and CO2 offtake agreements for synthetic fuel production to cover hard to abate sectors but also for carbon sequestration in locations fossil fuels came from, an area we will work with upstream teams from the Oil&Gas sector.
More than 80% of current synthetic fuel costs are feedstock related:
A) location linked green electrons driving high CAPEX Electrolysis needing water purification tech to create green hydrogen
B) green CO2 from DAC (direct air capture), a tech that is early stage and also in need of location linked green energy for the recovery process.
The Oceans are a one-stop-shop for both molecules and also the currently biggest heat energy storage system, we know.
WWS is reversing what we have done to the planet.
Cool it down, remove CO2 and put the C where it came from, while keeping the economies ticking.
The fair distribution of global warm currents in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere will ensure a fair distribution of new energy industries.
This can only be done with the willing members of the Oil&Gas industry, there will be a big price for the early adopters who will drive down the cost of synthetic molecules below fossil fuel costs, following the solar PV cost curve for electrons.

Based in
Ocean Cooling, Sythetic Fuel Production, Decarbonisation, Hydrogen
Total Funding
No funding announced yet
Company Status
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