Business Description Uppler is a social network focused on brands and retailers in every sector. It supports professionals to catch each other and to communicate. Therefore contacts among the pair parties are more more painless. In one aspect each provider has his private online exhibition room where he has the possibility to put on all his products. For the distributors, they may ask every provisioner to their network in oder to be in touch and so take an order through Uppler. As well as a chance to expand your network, on Uppler you may centralize your correspondances with your existent clientship but also your orderings, incorporating offline. Exsting since 2 years there are more than 2, 000 vendors and 30, 000 buyers logged. The French startup Uppler is at the moment in more than one hundred and forty five countries and possesses 3 bureaux: the USA, Europe and the last one in Tel Aviv.
Tags social, brands, retail
Website http://uppler.com
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