TechBuddy is a Swedish startup located in Sweden and Spain that wants to change the electronics industry. We provide our customers with independent technical support at home, when the electronics not working properly, installing a new product and purchase decisions. We are there to make technology fun and easy, not just through support but also by inspiring and guiding the customer.
Our long-term goal is to label consumer electronics to ensure that the products are innovative, environmentally friendly and free of child labor. We want to be the filter between manufacturers and consumers in order for the customer to feel safe with his technology purchases.
TechBuddy is based on shared economy. Our freelance TechBuddies work to inspire and guide people in an area they are passionate about and on their own terms. Through professional service and thorough knowledge, we help you get the most out of the technology available on the market.
Through our work, TechBuddy contributes to realizing three of the UN's global goals for sustainable development; number 8 - decent working conditions and economic growth, number 12 - sustainable consumption and production and number 13 - combating climate change.