In the world there are about 300 million cases of depression due to work (source: WHO) and in Italy the trend of people dissatisfied with their job is particularly worrying: only 4% of workers are satisfied with their job, 49% live habitually a stressful work situation and 45% feel deeply dissatisfied.
This has a major impact on businesses and their ability to attract new talent. A striking example are the voluntary resignations of recent years.
We need to intervene on the emotional well-being of workers and lead companies to focus on their mental health.
For this, TeamDifferent provides companies with a risk management platform that allows them to monitor the level of psychological stress of the team, the risks and well-being of people in the company. Offering workers the opportunity to receive online psychological support from qualified professionals in the network.
It is a solution that aims to increase awareness of mental health in the world of work and, above all, to bring companies to have a real impact on people and society.