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Infographic Biospheric Air treatment system
Business Description
TakeAir brings the future of breathing to the built environment with Biospheric Air Treatment. Centrally installed on the HVAC, this innovative filtration bio-technology inhibits and inactivates viral pathogens at high capacity (>99%), including SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza. TakeAir accomplishes this with an extract of sea organisms called Carrageenan (the Sea-Aeration process). This add-on Sea-Aeration filter is engineered with circular and cleantech principles in order to reduce energy use and waste creation. Following this, the supply air is BioRemediated with beneficial organisms called Ammonia Oxidising Bacteria (AOB). The BioRemediation process improves air quality and generates health benefits for tenants. All of this is combined with tailor-made communication tools and sensor technology, both in the air ducts and throughout the building. Offered as a service for commercial buildings across the globe.
Long Business Description


TakeAir was founded in 2016 by Mr Jo Pannecoucke. It started with the distribution of beneficial organisms in ventilation ducts, which was launched in 8 buildings in 2018. Further R&D in 2019 resulted in the highly successful capturing and killing of airborne viral pathogens in ventilation ducts. Some of the most recent successes are the start-up of our service in cooperation with CBRE Investment Management in Vattenfall (Amsterdam), collaboration with various institutions (Vinçotte), universities (UGent, KU Leuven, UAntwerp), and conferences (Healthy Buildings America 2021).

Biospheric Air Treatment only
Biospheric Air Management by TakeAir is automated biotechnology that helps commercial real estate future-proof their buildings. By capturing and eliminating airborne pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, the indoor climate is consistently kept in the best state, after which the indoor climate is rebalanced with microorganisms. TakeAir is centrally installed on the existing ventilation system, supplemented with sensor technology. This way, everything is monitored in real-time and the data is communicated to the building users via a custom dashboard. With TakeAir, you don't have to go deep into the forest to breathe the healthiest air.

Based in
BioTechnology, Indoor Air Quality; HVAC
Total Funding
Between €500K-€ 1 million
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