STARTUP JOURNEY.IE facilitates an entrepreneurial Journey that focuses on New Business Startup & People Development.
• We provide a Start-up Consultancy, Mentoring and Facilitation service that helps People to Create their own New Business Startup.
• As part of their continuing Journey, we also help their New Business Startup to Scale-up and develop as their business grows.
• The final part of the journey is to help New Business Startups to be ready for the Export Market.
The other key objective of STARTUP JOURNEY.IE is to develop people and help them to explore the feasibility of self-employment, or alternatively to help them obtain employment in their chosen area.
At STARTUP JOURNEY.IE we support People at every stage of their Startup Journey.
Brendan Fitzpatrick
Startup Consultant, Mentor & Facilitator
Guinness Enterprise Centre (GEC),
Taylors Lane, Dublin 8.
Phone: +353 1 4100 600
Mob: +353 85 1989 570
Email: [email protected]