Solarmente is focused on the implementation of small and large scale solar-projects for households and building blocks. We provide full service lead management for solar projects from 1 household, to multiple solar installation projects from 10-80 households at once.
We connect the supply and demand for solar energy systems with households and installers. What makes us unique is that we, besides creating an optimized lead generation tool, implement a solar subscription. In collaboration with (green) investors, banks and ajuntaments, we create the opportunity to outroll instant sustainability projects. We are in close contact with ajuntaments that directly want assistance with making their city more sustainable. We organize an event in the ajuntaments with potential/interested clients, do a local marketing campaign and find the right investment. We aim at installing between 20-80 installations (€90.000-€300.000) at once (which can be seen as 1 project, 1 investment source is needed). In combination with the right grants, we realize payback times of 5 years (with a guaranteed pay of the subscribers).
Our contract takes into account any possible cancelation or buy-backs. Our model guarantees payments of clients and assures investors for the payment of the loan.
In collaboration with Ajuntaments, we evaluate the solar potential and sustainability goals of the city based on the following points:
Number of potential households
Number of interested people/families
Local Grants:
On the total installation budget (up to 50% of total price sin IVA)
On state taxes (IBI and ICIO, respectively 50% for 3 years and 95%)
Solarmente finds the right financing with our network of investors, banks and crowdsourcing.