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Sineko Global

Sineko Global

Sineko Global
Business Description
Sineko's main product is GRAID, which is a structured reporting software that helps radiologists create reports faster (avg. 20% but depends on the examination) in a standardized and translatable way. Instead of typing redundant sentences hundreds of times a day, the radiologist can easily select any lesion from our graph database or fill out questionnaires that generate fluent text automatically. Our approach has many advantages such as report conversion to another supported language at the click of a button. GRAID optimizes professional reporting by (1)​ ​ Decreasing reporting time for doctors (2) generating and then gathers as readily available data during the creation of the report, therefore providing highly structured, unified medical reports available for research and data science. Lastly, (3)​ by ​ boosting international teleradiology. Based on our test results GRAID enables easy and fast reporting for those doctors who don't speak the target country’s language. It can be offered as a platform for hospitals with research needs, and for AI companies, where the incorrectly generated texts by the built-in image analysis algorithms can be quickly modified and refined with GRAID.
Based in
radiologists, platform, hospitals, AI
Total Funding
No funding announced yet

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