Solve the scheduling puzzle in your restaurant, hotel or point of sale and simplify personnel management with our online automation tool Shiftmeapp.
5 reasons to use Shiftmeapp:
1. You can create, edit, publish your planning from your smartphone or your desktop. Your wokers are notified and get the planning in them pocket. No more misunderstandings from them.
2. At each step of the planning process, our app informs the manager in real time about the status of your employee (Available, sick, on vacation, hours to be recovered, etc.). This is useful so you don't make any mistakes.
3. Use the automatic scheduling function: Our algorithm optimizes the schedule in seconds, taking into account all the constraints to propose the right person, in the right place, at the right time. You optimize and reduce your labor cost by avoiding extra-hours to pay.
4. Automatically capture the availability of your employees. No more need to contact them one by one. Everything is centralized online.
5. Use our digital badging system to track all hours and prepare salaries effortlessly and without errors.