RESET • Renewable Energy Solutions Environmental Technology
RESET is a clean-tech start up in the renewables field. We have developed our own idea of how cogeneration from biomass gasification should be done: no big plants, but compact, scalable and automated machines to be installed where electricity and heat are needed; no waste or emission, no severe restrictions on feedstock, a user friendly easy-to-maintain device, running on local available biomass.
One year ago we delivered our first machine to our first customer, a woodwork company; in the meanwhile, we got 4 more orders. We have discovered more demand than we expected when we started back in June 2015; this led us to imagine how it would be if we could satisfy the whole demand, which is where we are now. Let’s start with these considerations:
1. biomass, such as woodchips, is abundant, cheap and available almost everywhere in the World;
2. the energy demand is certain to grow in the future; the need for more clean energy comes along;
3. fossil fuels are doomed to an end sooner or later, and besides this, we really have to slow down and eventually stop Green House Gases emissions;
4. companies want to maximize profits: why not do that by saving on bills, or selling green energy?
Conclusion: we can fix these issues by providing our technology, to help our customers accomplish their financial goals and, at the same time, do something good for the environment and society.