Home PickEat



Business Description
How irritating is it to have to wait for your order at a restaurant (15/20 minutes)? Or to stand in line for 35 minutes to get your meal from a food truck at an event? Employees can use PickEat to reserve a table, pre-order, and pre-pay for their meal, saving 45% of their lunch break time. PickEat allows you to skip the line at food stands at events by pre-ordering and pre-paying online.

Long Business Description

PickEat, the app that gives people their time back during lunch break. We allow employees to reserve a table at the restaurant and at the same time pre-order and pre-pay online. When they arrive at the restaurant during lunch break, they're served in 5 minutes and they save up to 30 minutes of free time during lunch break.
You can also pre-order takeaways, especially in events, and skip the line.
Time is a very important resource, but it's scarse. With PickEat you can spend more valuable time with your friends because we give it back to you when you go to party with them or to enjoy a sport game and you want to eat something.

Based in
FoodTech, Restaurant, Events, Employees Benefit
Total Funding
No funding announced yet
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