Business Description Specialist in online travel sales, MisterFly has more than 200 employees based in Europe and Canada, who work daily to offer its customers B2B (travel agencies, etc.), B2B2C (VeePee, Cdiscount, Leclerc Voyages, etc.) and B2C a complete and varied offer of tourist products such as plane tickets, hotels, stays, cars and vacation rentals.
Since its creation in 2015, MisterFly has been rewarded with multiple trophies, including the prestigious Travel d'Or “Best online travel agency” (elected by Internet users in 2016 and 2017), Tech 5 Europe (European start-up fastest growing in 2017) and the Innovation Trophy (2019).
Tags Air Transportation, E-Commerce, Reservations, Tourism, Travel
Website https://www.misterfly.com/
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