Home KryptoX



Business Description
KryptoX is an EU regulated exchange and payment bridge, closing the gap between the existing financial service and the new digital, blockchain-based systems.

KryptoX provides it's B2B and B2C users an ecosystem that delivers the technological foundation for the two core offerings; KryptoX Exchange and KryptoX Pay. These offerings provide a complete blockchain transactional environment allowing the purchase, sale, exchange, custodial and utility of crypto assets.
Long Business Description

KryptoX operates the world's first blockchain Payment-as-a-Service (PaaS) soloution and Exchange-as-a-Service (Eaas) platform; where companies and merchants can offer embedded blockchain services quickly and at a low cost. By applying our agile technology, KryptoX can quickly adapt based on the changing needs of the client and the underlining consumer whilst still maintaining stringent regulatory practices in AML, KYC and advancing into technical cyber security certifications.

KryptoX is removing the financial barriers between countries, regulators, and businesses by establishing bespoke exchange and payment solution.

KryptoX offers three services, each developed to services a distinct segment in this field:

PaaS Model - Created with gaming and gambling in mind:
Within this space KryptoX provies merchants with easy access to bespoke blockchain based Payment-as-a-Service cashier systems.

EaaS Model - Ideal for fiancial entrepreneurs:
This full-integrated Exchange-as-a-Service Soloution levergages intuitive applications to provide secure, robust and transparent exchange soloutions.

KryptoX Model - for the everday cryptocurrecny investor:
KryptoX's B2B & B2C exchange platform provided through mobile and web applicaion to trade the most popular cryptocurrency, with assets held in secure and insured MPC Custodial with aggreagted liquidty for order execution.

Based in
Crypto, Fintech, Gambling, Gaming
Total Funding
Between €1 million-€ 2.5 million
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