Home Kibus Petcare

Kibus Petcare

Kibus Petcare

Kibus Petcare
Business Description
Kibus is a home appliance to cook healthy pet food at home. Kibus works with multidose dehydrated pet food capsules and the business model consists of selling both the machine and the consumables. The technology has been patented and acknowledged by several entities and universities (IQS, Netmentora, Startup Capital grant, MWC,...). Kibus is to lure pet parents and has many advantages that meet their needs: it is natural, healthy, tasteful (served warm and wet), minimally processed, convenient and human-grade. However, its main advantage is health: it has been proven that feeding pets with not processed food extends life expectancy (>30%) and reduces the risk of suffering from several diseases such as cancer.
Based in
pets, pet food, healthy

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