Currently the market for Digital Out of Home Advertising (DOOH) is slow-moving, centralized and inflexible with advertising opportunities limited to organizations with large budgets. Campaigns are typically run over an extended period of time with a high minimum screen buy-in, making them prohibitive for SMEs.
HYGHs mission is to redefine how we as a society, handle advertisements in our cities. Who should provide the infrastructure? Who should be advertising? Our objective is to establish an easy-to-use standard that enables:
Hyperlocal: Local campaigns can address local issues where people live and encourage consumers to use their purchasing power at local small businesses.
Time specific: Campaigns can be funded to run across an extended period of time or at peak periods such as rush hour.
Real-time: Campaigns can be changed in real time to react to current events as they unfold such as weather and changes in traffic flow.
Revenue generation: Advertising sites are not limited to conventionally placed screens. Any business can power up a screen and earn passive income by running advertisements in their shop, hotel or restaurant.
We have set ourselves the task of improving the status quo and democratising the advertising industry. With the straightforward HYGH Platform, generating passive income and running custom Ad-campaigns becomes the new normal. By reducing the time needed to publish an advertisement from months to seconds, HYGH is going to open up a new global market for dynamic real-time advertising.