
Business Description A complete market place for primary and secondary M&A for tech businesses is Foundy. JP Lewin has first-hand knowledge of the unneeded inefficiencies, complexities, and costs associated with managing an M&A process because to his experience founding and selling his previous internet marketplace firm. Now, JP and his team are radically modernising the M&A business for software entrepreneurs leveraging their mission-driven passion for modernising this process and an injection of £1.25 million in early funding lead by marketplace focused VC, Fuel Ventures. gives companies the chance to easily connect with relevant buyers and M&A consultants as well as gain access to the most recent information, advice, and tools with the least amount of expense, effort, and time. A valuation calculator, an M&A advice directory, and additional educational podcasts, blogs, and tutorials are available.
Tags acquisitions, investment, marketplace
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