
Business Description Fliplingo helps brands and businesses be Social in any language, elegantly.
Did you know that people are 6 times more likely to engage with you on social media if you speak in their language? Well, we do, and we have you covered. Fliplingo automatically translates and schedules your Social Media posts in multiple languages using expert translators.
Today the process of localizing a Social Media account is very tedious for businesses and often happens off-line. Fliplingo makes it incredibly easy to setup a translation workflow and customize it to meet unique needs. For example you could have all your tweets translated in French, and posted at Paris time, so that you can finally get to know your French customers better.
If you're not sure where to start, we can point you in the right direction. We'll analyze the language your followers and fans speak on social media, so you'll quickly know where your potential lies for your business.
And, Fliplingo has a killer tool: the Flip! A Flip will automatically pull all your posts from your social media account, send them to a translator, and post the translations for you at the right time. So you can continue posting updates as you normally do, and all translations will be processed from start to finish, hands free.
Fliplingo provides translation on all major Social Media platforms: Twitter, Buffer and Facebook.
We offer fast and quality translations 15 minutes on average with a 99.5% satisfaction rate in all major languages (over 97 language pairs).
Sign up for Fliplingo and you'll be ready to submit your first post for translation in a couple minutes (free to try no credit card). It's as simple as that!
Tags Translation Tool, Social Media, Social Networking
Website https://www.fliplingo.com
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