Business Description A. The European population consumes only half of the recommended daily intake of dietary fibers. This is one of the reasons why obesity, diabetes and some other diseases reached almost epidemic dimensions. Meanwhile, companies manufacturing juices or vegetable oils throw away what’s the healthiest in fruits, vegetables, and oily seeds: the pomace, the fibrous parts. In our laboratory, low-sugar fibers are the main product, while vegetal oil and sugar-rich juice are only by-products.
B. More than half of the sedentary workers will sooner or later experience low back, or neck pain. While sitting, the most damaging to our health is if we get stuck in a certain position for more than half an hour. Our innovation offers a solution for this problem. On Ergovi ergonomic chair you can sit in saddle, half-kneeling and in several other postures, in addition to the traditional one. The chair can be moved from one position to another in seconds.
Long Business Description A.
Nearly a quarter of the European population is overweight, and the proportion of diabetics is close to 10%. These diseases can be greatly attributed to an inappropriate, low-fiber diet and a sedentary lifestyle. We can help the functioning of our gut microbiome by eating the right amount of dietary fibers. Unfortunately, we often consume only half of the recommended daily amount of fibers, which should be 35-40 grams for adults.
About 10 billion liters of vegetable and fruit juice are produced in Europe every year. Pressed fibers left over during production are most often considered as useless by-products and, as such, are usually discarded. We had the idea that we could prepare a valuable product out of the fibers considered useless, which are in fact the healthiest ingredients of fruits and vegetables. In our laboratory, applying a special and environmentally friendly technology, we manufacture out of these fibers healthy and additive-free snacks.
Tags stop foodwaste, dietary fiber, upcycling, ergonomy