The user can post a project in few clicks and our advisors will contact him to acquire additional information instantly. Each posted project is submitted automatically to best suitable contractors, who can opt in whether they are interested in completing the job.
The user gets access to dashboard with contractor’s responses, their profiles and aggregated offers. After the job is done, feedback is posted. The platform enables communication and quote comparison. By providing a quick access to checked suitable companies, the client benefits in a time and possibility of risk.
The supply side of the platform contractors and other professionals play crucial role. The company constantly seeks for good potential partners by manual interviews and on-boards them to the trial period. If feedback is satisfactory, we begin the cooperation.
Contractors get instant access to projects in their commercial interests and geographical scope. We offer app, free webpage in the system and constant support.
We are planting transparency into construction market by offering the comprehensive overlook into database of contractors. Important factor for a common benefit are also price guides and educational content, intended to raise the level of awareness about processes and costs in the industry.