1-We created a unique training platform in the world, with four highly innovative online training areas to advance with an eye towards the XXII century. Creation of a training HUB in the Financial School and Digital Innovation (EFID):
IFDC / Blockchainand CryptoAssets IFC / Markets, Technical and macroeconomic analysis, EasRobotics, Investment Products, psychotrading, risk control. IEIC/ Companies, Innovation, Conflict Management, Digital Marketing, Computer Engineering, E-Learning, Business Coaching, Mindfulness ... IOPC / Advanced training in Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium.
2-Being a global, technological and innovative business HUB, initially in Spanish, but in several languages in the future, we can better concentrate customer searches ... Varied and often innovative services, and also with quality controls by creating a department that implements and supervises the control of said quality, for any service or product offered. We already have finished products and services also for English speakers:
Creation of the First Global, Technological and Innovative Business HUB Worldwide, integrate a series of services according to the advance of the 21st century.
On CRIPTORO website we can find different current and future services, such as Digital Marketing, E-Learning, Technological Engineering, Expert Lawyers in CNMV and Fintech regulations, CRIPTORO Gold and Silver, Outsourse 360 Company, with different multidisciplinary services, Tax Consulting being Experts in Income statement for Financial Derivatives, Precious Raw Materials and Digital Assets, Brokers Affiliate Marketing, Exchange Affiliate Marketing, Criptoro Multiexchange (no custody), Business Angel / Incubator of new Projects, CRIPTORO Editorial, Criptoro Digital Library (150,000 Books in many lenguages)...