Product innovation:
CheckPhoto consists of several processes which are uniquely linked together. Most importantly - it is a viable business model for CheckTerra and it solves the customers' main problems - remote management, monitoring and verification. It involves high-tech yet easy to operate equipment such as GoPro camera or DJI drones.
CheckGIS is of a simmilar nature. Although there are several GIS solutions currently available on the market (ESRI, QGIS etc.), all of them are rather robust, complicated and needs to be used by expert only. Therefore, the entry treshold is too high. CheckGIS offers a true opposite - it is intentionally designed in a very simple way. It's goal is the easiest way to access 2D and 3D GIS data to the widest range of customers, vertically throughout the whole company (from a worker at a construction site up to the company director).
Problem we solve for customers
CheckPhoto solves the customers' main problems - remote management, monitoring and verification. CheckPhoto simply allows accurate mapping (documentation) of areas or points of interest without the physical presence of an expert (geodesic surveyor) on the site. Obtaining these accurate geodesic data allows for developing projects that could not be pursued otherwise due to security and financial reasons.
CheckGIS allows you to instantly display accurate information and helps you to quickly create an idea about the area of interest, together with the use of a wide range of useful tools. It gives you a significant advantage in the decision-making process and helps to find the right solutions in time.
CheckGIS - with regard to the above mentioned facts - is useful, user-friendly and practical tool and therefore highly desirable not only for executives of private companies worldwide but also for donors representatives which are responsible for multinational projects. In conjunction with CheckPhoto, you can instantly control your projects around the world from the comfort of your office.