Agrosentinels Ltd.
The measuring system capable of monitoring the parameters of bearings and related components in real time. The system can measure several parameters at the same time. These parameters are: infrared temperature, ambient temperature, vibration, humidity, acceleration and temperature change. The sensors are responsible for accurate measurement, the number of which can be up to 22 within a system. The sensors communicate wirelessly and are powered by a battery.
The sensors send the data to a router, which forwards the data to a server. The data can be seen immediately in real time via a mobile application. In the web application, you can view the historical data in the form of graphs, and you can also set the limit values of the parameters. If the monitored component reaches this limit, the system sends an alarm to the operator of the machine. The positioning of the sensors is ensured by strong neodymium magnets. As a result, they can be very easily placed in any area to be examined.
We would like to expand our knowledge of the system with vibration diagnostics. This is how the negotiation with the specialists of János Neumann University began. The specialists of the University and the team of Agrosentinels Ltd. discussed how, with the help of artificial intelligence, the system should be able to determine when the given component is going to fail. However, this development would require a large company that would enable the installation of an easy-to-use, affordable (a fraction of competing diagnostic systems), innovative remote monitoring system in its machines.
The system has Hungarian and European patents. In 2022, the Hungarian Innovation Association rewarded it as a successful innovation.