Home Ageware



Business Description
Today is world is where everybody needs to be connected and the boundary between physical and digital is being lost in translation, mainly for our children. Simple yes/no age gates as we know them are a thing of the past. Based on new EU legislation and the latest global consensus, websites with content, products and services that are harmful to children (porn, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, extreme imagery and videos) are now required to seriously step-up the way they check the age of their consumers. This is where Ageware comes in. Our solution is based on state-of-the-art biometric security software and an award-winning facial recognition algorithms. All it takes for a user to be age-verified is to take a selfie and our software does the rest. It is paramount to us that the information of the user will never be available to the website operator, ensuring absolute privacy, while effectively restricting access only to appropriate audiences. This process usually takes 5-15 seconds, and is the least disruptive actual age-gating solution on the market. For a website operator, installing Ageware is a matter of simply implementing a snippet of code into their website. No heavy coding or website alterations are required. What happens when you connect the digital and physical worlds correctly? Kids won't be able to buy the bottle or look at naughty things - parents can sleep well - CEOs won't get fired. We call it a WIN - WIN - WIN situation which creates a safer society for all of us.
Based in
E-Signature, Identity Management, Security Systems Services
Total Funding
No funding announced yet
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