Let's start from the idea if we look for a three-dimensional image, we don't actually need a surface where projecting films. Our system allows to project images or videos from a normal display. The projection will be three-dimensional and suspended in air.
- A realistic view in 3D Virtual Reality without using media display
- For the incomparable spectacular effect
- For distance communication (conferences, videophone, distance learning)
- For the incredible effect of the image presence of the interlocutor and / or object remotely
- A new low-cost technology allowing revolutionary vision systems
Switching from two-dimensional to three- dimensional display systems 3D projection devices
-FOR VIDEO CONFERENCE 01APPLICATION - The system communicates via WiFi with smartphone, tablet or personal computer and it's able to project a 3D image of the person in the videoconference in the air;
-FOR SMARTPHONE, TABLET OR PERSONAL COMPUTER - The device intended as an external accessory projects the image or part of it of the 2D display of the smartphone, tablet or personal computer as 3D enlarged image in the air;
-3D projection devices able to INTERFACE WITH MECHANICAL, OPTICAL AND SANITARY DESIGN SOFTWARE The device reproduces in the air 3D images of mechanical, optical project or x-ray or other images.
Main use limit: need for a screen, there is no image projection in the unbordered air.
Projection of images in the air but confined in a hole with walls of a certain type: technology used only for board games.
The only technologies that allow projecting floating images in the absence of screens or wearable accessories offer the user a "frame rate" of projection of 5,000 hertz with a result of poor tolerability by the user's eye.