Aufgepasst: I’m going to visit Berlin next week, from 10-13 February, where I’ll attend the Startup Europe Summit. This event is known as a “pop-up conference” for European startups, where for two days policy-makers, founders, venture capitalists and key startup stakeholders meet to inspire each other and create frameworks for real change in innovation policy.
The event will be held in the Factory, where the event attendedes will be gathering to discuss what’s next for Europe (Update – May 2023: The website seems to be out of use, and we therefore deactivated the original link). In addition to the event space, given that Berlin is one of Europe’s Top 3 startup capitals and since I haven’t been there for more than a year, I’m really looking forward to this trip and to gathering some new impressions to write about.
If you’re a regular reader of, a founder, investor or just a nice guy or girl, let’s meet for a coffee or beer. Just contact me via e-mail. See you there!
Speaking of events, do you have your ticket yet for the upcoming EU-Startups Summit?