Homeabout EU-Startups.comPoll: What research report/e-book would you like to read most?

Poll: What research report/e-book would you like to read most?

A few months ago, we launched our new ‘Research’ section here at EU-Startups.com and released a research report on startup accelerators in Europe.

After lots of positive feedback, we’re now about to start writing the next research paper/e- book for our audience of Web entrepreneurs and investors in Europe.

Given that we will be researching and writing this next report just for you, we thought it’s only logical to ask you what you would like to read most. Please let us know what you think and take the short poll below.

(Update: We deleted the results of the poll, since the corresponding WordPress plugin was not working properly anymore. Sorry).

Interested in B2B startups, FinTech, or European Investors? Check out our Premium Reports for an in-depth look.

Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr is the "Editor in Chief" of EU-Startups.com and started the blog in October 2010. He is excited about Europe's future, passionate about new business ideas and lives in Barcelona (Spain).

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