Homeabout EU-Startups.comEU-Startups will be in Berlin, from 6-8 January!

EU-Startups will be in Berlin, from 6-8 January!

Aufgepasst: We will visit Berlin next month, from 6-8 January. If you’re a regular reader of EU-Startups.com, a founder, investor or just a nice person, let’s meet for a coffee or beer. Just contact us via our About page, to set it up.

We recently featured a number of Berlin-based startups on EU-Startups, showing just how active this entrepreneurial and investment scene has been in the past few months. Just looking at last week, for instance, we wrote about how Berlin-based food delivery platforms Delivery Hero and Lieferheld secured €8 million to expand further, and how Berlin-based handmade marketplace DaWanda received €4 million of expansion financing – among others!

Since Berlin is probably Europe’s hottest startup capital right now, we’re really looking forward to this trip and some new impressions to write about. Stay tuned for the next articles when we return!

By the way: If you’d like to stay up-to-date regarding startup news and interesting opportunities, make sure to subscribe to our free weekly EU-Startups Newsletter.

Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr is the "Editor in Chief" of EU-Startups.com and started the blog in October 2010. He is excited about Europe's future, passionate about new business ideas and lives in Barcelona (Spain).

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